(most common name in English)
(most common name):
• Holstein Friesian (zwartbont)
(transboundary/brand name):
• Holstein (black and white)
(local/other name):
• Dutch Black Pied (HF)
• Friesian (Bangladesh/Botswana/Cook Islands/Egypt/Iraq/Kenya)
• Frisonne (Burundi/Djibouti)
• HF-Zwartbont
• Holländer (Austria)
• Holtchin-Friz (Azerbaijan)
• Schwarzbunte (Austria)
• Zwartbont (HF)
The Holstein-Friesian is today a composite of the original Dutch Black Pied and imported Holstein (Canada and USA) sires since the 1970s — making it an American Holstein × European Friesian.
By becoming Holstein-Friesians, the Dutch Black Pied changed from being a dual-purpose dairy/beef breed into a single-purpose high-producing milk breed.
HF = Holstein-Friesian
This page was last updated on: 2024-07-03
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My Daily Cow® The Netherlands and read about other Dutch cattle breeds.
The Cow Wall® A-Z Cattle Breed Picture Reference to see other breeds of cattle in the world.