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The Cow Wall® Alphabetical
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The following paperbacks are now available:
Cows & Curds Volume 1 Color My Cow (a coloring book of 30 bovines) Men In Milk - Dairy Defenders (4 Scripts)
(You can read The Cow Wall® Presents Cows & Curds Volume 1 right here on our website.)

This page was last updated on: 2023-05-22

TAP the images below to get more information on a particular cattle breed at My Daily Cow®.

Galega -cow- Portugal Galician Blond -cow- Spain Galloway -cow and calf- Scotland Gambian N'Dama -cow- The Gambia Gambian N'Dama -bull- The Gambia Gambian N'Dama -bull calf- The Gambia Ganado bravo -cow- Spain Ganado bravo -bull- Spain Ganado Criollo Argentino -cow- Argentina Ganado Criollo Argentino -bull- Argentina Ganado de casta -cow- Spain Garfagnina -heifer- Italy Garre -bull- Somalia Garvonesa -cow- Portugal Garvonesa -bull- Portugal

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Gasara -cow- Somalia Gasconne -cow and calf- France Gatacko -cow- Bosnia/Herzegovina Gaur -cow- Cambodia/India/Malaysia/Nepal/Thailand/Viet Nam Gaur -bull- Cambodia/India/Malaysia/Nepal/Thailand/Viet Nam Gayal -cow- Bangladesh/India Gayal -bull- Bangladesh/India Gayal -cow and calf- Bangladesh/India Gelbrah -heifer calf- Mexico Gelbvieh -cow- Germany Geltex -cow- USA German Angus -cow- Germany German Beef Simmental -cow- Germany German Black Pied Dairy -cow- Germany German Black Pied Lowland -cow- Germany

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German Black Pied -cow- Germany German Brown -cow- Germany German Pinzgauer -cow and calf- Germany German Red -cow- Germany German Red Pied -cow- Germany German Red Pied -cow- Germany German Red Pied Holstein -cow- Germany German Shorthorn -young bull- Germany German Simmental -cow- Germany German Yellow -cow- Germany Gir -cow- India Gir -bull- India Gir mocho -heifer- Brazil Girolando -cow- Brazil Glan -cow- Germany

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Glanrind -heifer calf- Germany Gloucester -cow- England Gloucester -bull- England Gobra -cow- Mauritania/Senegal Goffa -bull- Ethiopia Goomsur -ox- India Greek Shorthorn -cow- Greece Greek Steppe -cow- Greece Grey Brahman -cow- USA Groningen Whiteheaded -cow- The Netherlands Guabalá -cow- Panama Guadiana Spotted -heifer- Portugal Guangfeng 广丰牛 -cow- China Guanling 关岭牛 -cow- China Guatemalan Criollo -bull calf- Guatemala

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Guaymí -cow- Panama Guaymí -bull- Panama Guelma -cow- Algeria/Tunisia Guernsey -heifer- Guernsey Guerrero -steer- Mexico Guinean N’Dama -cow- Guinea Gurtenvieh -cow- Switzerland Guzerá -cow and calf- Brazil Guzerat -young bull- Brazil

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